A Voice for Women who have and are serving

in the Armed Forces.

An Advocate for Women Veteran's

Rights, Issues and Benefits.


2010 WVA National Convention


WVA Vision:

To be a voice for Women who have and are serving in the United States Armed Forces
and act as an advocate for Women Veterans'
Rights, Issues, Benefits and Recognition

WVA Mission:

Women Veterans of America (WVA) shall advocate for all Women Veterans and
for women currently serving in the military.

WVA Goals:

Ensure the best possible care is given to Women Veterans by the Department of
Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.

Ensure that Women Veterans have access to the same level of benefits from the
Veterans Benefits Administration.

Ensure that Women Veterans receive the same level of respect, recognition and
honor as our brother veterans.

This is accomplished by:

  • - Providing information and support to Women Veterans.
  • - To be liaisons to proper government agencies.
  • - To assist women veterans in obtaining VA Benefits.
  • - Serve on Women Veteran's Advisory Committees.
  • - Serve through the VA Volunteer Services.
  • - Participate in Veteran Outreaches.
  • - Participate in ceremonies honoring all Veterans.
  • - Become involved in local and national issues pertaining to all
    women veterans and to those women presently in the military.

In Remembrance of Colleen Mussolino

I Will Always Remember You is used on the Women Veterans of America Web site with the 

permission of the Women In Military Service For America Memorial Foundation, Inc. 

The song was written for our use and to be sung at the dedication of the Women in Military Service of America Memorial.


Women Veterans of America is a registered 501 (c) 19 Organization