on the 4th National Summit on Women Veterans issues: Michael J. Kussman, Under Secretary for Health for the Veterans Health Administration stated women�s clinics are to be in every facility, with full-time Women Veteran Program Managers. Michael Walcoff, Deputy Under Secretary for Benefits will be working on changing claims processes from 175-180 days to 125 days. Patricia Hays, PhD is Chief Consultant for Women Veterans Health Strategic Health Care Group. Dr. Hays stated, "50 VA�s are up to date on women veterans programs," which leaves 105 VA�s to get up to date. The VA admits they have a lot of work ahead because they are not where they should be. Full implementation of women veterans� health care is mandated by end of FY 09. 3900 new mental health staff has been hired. The Department of Veteran Affairs is setting up a data base to correctly inform veterans of their case claims. VA employees need continuous training on the sensitive MST issues, to not "hit on women", from some staff having pour relations and being downright rude. Telephone staff are included in the retraining, especially in eligibility details. Complaints were made by veterans regarding the misinformation on eligibility requirements, especially for survivors of MST. Reports have been given regarding staff prejudging the veteran and the lack of cultural awareness. QTC promises to have female examiners and gender specific locations set up for the exams. QTC is a private company hired by the VA to give C & P exams. Vet Centers are primarily doing family counseling only. More Vet Centers are expected to expand.